Jodie Parsons


Jodie Parsons

Admissions and Administration Manager

About Me

Jodie is the Admissions and Administration Manager at Oxford Guardians. If you contact us about guardianship Jodie will generally be your first point of contact, answering questions about our services and guiding you through the registration process. Since joining in 2019, Jodie enjoys the variety that guardianship brings and hearing from our different families. Before joining Oxford Guardians, Jodie worked in local newspapers which seemed a natural transition following the completion of her degree in English.

Starting as a reporter, Jodie then moved into the design and editing process. With a senior qualification in journalism and after passing her 100 words per minute shorthand exam, Jodie brings a unique set of skills to the team. As a mum to two children (a boy and a girl), Jodie spends her free time with them. They often have a list of things they would like to do together! As a parent, Jodie often think about her own children when meeting new families. She understands the impact for  guardianship students being away from their families and a long way from home. Jodie also knows that if she were a parent of a child studying abroad, she would want to make sure they had a strong support network. Alongside work and looking after her children, Jodie is a big fan of a cup of tea. There is no occasion where a tea isn’t welcome!