Looking after your child’s emotional wellbeing as they start school in the UK

The vital role of Educational Guardians in helping students settle in.

Emotional reactions are normal

Starting at school or college in the UK comes at an already-emotional time for many young people. It’s no wonder if they feel confused, frustrated or upset from time to time, especially before they have become used to their exciting new lives.

Our educational guardians have personal and professional experience of moving abroad, being submersed in a new language and finding their feet in a new environment. They are well placed to spot when an individual student needs help, or even just a sympathetic ear.

We work with our students, their parents and school to catch any issues at an early stage. We understand normal emotional reactions and have systems in place to help students settle in well. At the rare times when more help is needed, we have access to extra resources and are quick to liaise between our student, their parents and school to identify the best approach and help solve any problems.


Here are some of the many ways in which our educational guardians help international students settle happily into life at their UK school:

Helping with homesickness

Leaving home can be tough for international students. They’re miles away from their families, adjusting to a new environment, and trying to fit in socially and academically. For some, homesickness can be emotionally draining.

Boarding schools do their best to help students overcome homesickness. They know that many students will feel overwhelmed by the novelty of everything around them, so make a big effort at the start of a new school year to keep their students busy, take away phones to help them immerse themselves in their new lives, and tire them out so they sleep well!

On top of this, our educational guardians take care to look after the emotional wellbeing of their individual students, especially at this critical time. They visit their students, stay in touch and get to know them properly, so are quick to pick up any signs of homesickness.

Offering constant reassurance and a listening ear, our educational guardians help students work through these emotions. With the guardian’s support, students can talk about their worries without feeling judged, which often helps lighten the emotional load.

Supporting language skills

For many international students, English isn’t their first language. Communicating in a different language – especially in academic settings – can be daunting. Our educational guardians offer support by encouraging students to practice English through conversation and helping them understand homework. This not only boosts language skills but also builds confidence – parents are always amazed at how quickly students settle into using English!

However, our educational guardians are always ready to help if language becomes an issue. We work closely with your school to identify any areas that might be difficult, and have strong links with experts at Wendover Online School, who can provide additional tutoring if necessary.

We also have a number of educational guardians who are native speakers of several languages. We can arrange for these educational guardians to chat to a student in their language or liaise with parents who don’t speak English. Our students and families appreciate the emotional benefits of having access to this service.

Helping students adapt to UK culture

Culture shock is real. For students coming from different countries, adapting to the customs and social norms of the UK can feel intimidating. From learning classroom etiquette to understanding British humour and traditions, students have a lot to take in.

Oxford Guardians guide international students through these changes, helping them navigate daily routines and cultural nuances. Our educational guardians and host families help introduce students to the British way of life, as well as giving students tips on how to communicate effectively even in British school slang, become comfortable with school life, and have the confidence to join new social groups.

Emotional confidence and indpendence

One of the most rewarding parts of educational guardianship is helping students grow into independent and confident young adults. Oxford Guardians create an environment that encourages independence whilst providing the support students need to succeed on their own terms.

We work hard from the outset to help students settle happily into their new environment and are proud that they learn and grow in confidence under our watchful eye. Our students learn to thrive, confidently tackling boarding school life and embracing the opportunities that come with studying in the UK.

Emotional wellbeing with Oxford Guardians

For international students, settling into life at a UK school can feel like a whirlwind of new experiences. With the right educational guardian by their side, this transition becomes smoother, more manageable, and ultimately rewarding.

Oxford Guardians provides a vital service that goes beyond the academic to include emotional well-being, cultural adaptation and personal growth. Our expert guardians regularly check in with students, getting to know them individually and learning how best to support them. For many students, their educational guardian becomes a mentor, friend and trusted confidante.

If you’d like to find out more about our educational guardianship services, please contact us here.
