Sarah Merkl

Sarah Merkl

Accounts Manager

About Me

Sarah’s background has really always been in accounts. She started studying for her AAT Accounting qualification while working in the cash office of a local supermarket. She was soon given the opportunity of her first accounts role after she had completed the first year of her AAT qualification. She completed her training with the company and progressed through the business learning many aspects of the accounts role. After almost 15 years with this company, Sarah decided to leave and become self-employed.

Over the last three years Sarah has been working for Oxford Guardians overseeing the accounts, checking invoices and expenses and ensuring that students’ deposit accounts are kept up to date.  She has adapted to the new world of guardianship and international students, finding all the connections with different parts of the world fascinating.

Sarah’s main hobby is following her ice hockey team, Coventry Blaze. This takes up most of her spare time between August and April! She not only attends home games but also travels around the UK to watch their away games too with her husband and two daughters.  With a French son-in-law she travels to France regularly but would love to travel more and see more of the world.